NBU South Eastern Region Report 2014

Julian Parker’s first full season as the South Eastern Regional Bee Inspector has completed, and he has written a comprehensive report of activities in Kent and elsewhere in the South East.  Below I’ve provided the link to the full report; I’ve just pulled a few headlines to whet your appetite

  • No reports of AFB in Kent
  • Only 10 cases of EFB reported in Kent, focused in Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead/Forest Row area
  • Reinforcement of the need for all beekeepers to register with BeeBase, in case of local disease outbreaks
  • NBU’s desire to recruit and train more Bee Health Advisors, to assist SBIs in triaging bee health issues
  • NBU now part of “Animal and Plant Health Agency” (RIP FERA!)

You can find Julian’s report at the NBU website here:

And if you are not registered with BeeBase (and thus would not be alerted to any disease outbreak within a 10km radius of your apiary), please consider entering your details in BeeBase here.