Whitefriars Beekeeping Stall

you may have noticed from the branch calendar (here) that on Saturday 27th May, we will be taking part in Canterbury in Bloom by running a beekeeping stall in the precincts of Whitefriars, in the heart of Canterbury.  We provide information on beekeeping, show off an observation hive, and sell honey and related products. It also helps us to maintain our relationship with Whitefriars, both for our rooftop apiary, and for access to their conference room for our winter meetings.
In previous years, we’ve had great success at Whitefriars, both in terms of honey sales, and also in engaging members of the public in the craft of beekeeping.  It’s fun and not too strenuous, provided that we have support from the members of our branch.  You can help in one of three ways.
1) volunteer to help on the stand for a couple of hours (let us know the time that suits between 0930 and 1600)
2) assist with setting up (around 9am) and dismantling (around 4pm)
3) Provide bottled honey, or other items for sale
If you can help out in any way, please contact Michael Roberts by email shows@canterburybeekeepers.org.uk  as soon as possible.
If you are worried about your knowledge, don’t worry – we find that most people know very little about beekeeping, so if you can describe the innards of a hive, or the differences between the jobs of a worker, a queen and a drone, you are more than knowledgeable enough.

If you can’t make the 27th May, don’t worry, we’ll also be running a stand at Brogdale Strawberry Fair on Sunday 11th June.  Helping out on our stall gets you free entry!

Basic Assessment Training 2017

It’s time to organise training for the Basic Assessment.

If you have been keeping bees for at least one or two years and are reasonably confident in handling a colony now is the time to consider taking the BBKA Basic Assessment.  This is an oral and practical assessment carried out by an assessor on behalf of the BBKA and held in a local apiary.  It confirms that you have reached an appropriate standard; a bit like passing the driving test.  If you have done one of my courses you will have covered most of the knowledge needed for the assessment. 

To assist you we are going to run a number of theory and practical sessions to cover the syllabus starting on either the Tues, Wed, Thur or Fri  week beginning the 15th May or Mon etc the following week. If you want to take part please email or text me and tell me which days you can and cannot do and I will pick the day that most can go on.   It will probably start at 7pm but let me know if that’s not OK.     julian@canterburybeekeepers.org.uk  or text 07761839119.

If all goes well I will try to have a practical session over the weekend 20/21 May.

I will decide on a location for meetings when I know who is likely to attend.

However if preferred, you can prepare for this yourself and download the Basic syllabus and application form  from the BBKA web site which is then signed by one of the committee and sent off with a fee.

Regards  Julian Audsley