Updates to KBKA bye-laws

Whilst not the most exciting of topics, KBKA has a set of bye-laws to determine how it is run – after all, Kent Beekeepers Association is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.  In case you are wondering exactly how KBKA is supposed to run, here are the recently updated bye-laws in all their glory.  The notes below identify the most recent changes approved at the AGM in June 2015.

PDF file:  KBKA Bye Laws 6th June 2015

Details of changes (numbers refer to the paragraphs in the Bye-Laws)

Date at top changed to 6th June 2015

2.  Entitlements – newsletter quarterly

4.  Officers – addition of Examinations Secretary and Webmaster

7.  Council Proceedings – excess of “£1000” changed to “£1500”

11.  Finance and Accounts – penultimate paragraph additional words  “…having been approved by the Branch – see Section 13”

12.  Subscriptions – first line now “The Branch Treasurer shall issue a receipt in appropriate form….”

12.  Subscriptions – date for third period return 31st August

15.  Beecraft and County Newsletter – County Newsletter – first paragraph “Copy must be….the preceding month” deleted.   Second paragraph “on alternative months” changed to “quarterly”

19.  BBKA Public and Products Liability Insurance – “Property damage excess £500 …..The above details are current at 6th June 2015…..If proof of Public Liability is required for a show, farmers’ market, working in schools, details can be downloaded from the BBKA website (you’ll need your BBKA membership details).

Information about Kent Honey Show 2015

The Kent Honey Show is part of the county show from 10-12 July at the showground at the top of Detling Hill (on the A249, ME14 3JF).  Kent Beekeepers do demonstrations to the public, as well as run a honey show.  Publicity for the latter this year has been lacking, but for your information, I attach the Honey Show schedule.  Entries were due in on 26th June.

You can read the introduction to the beekeeping event here.

Kent Show 2015 Schedule



Stewards invitation FORM 1 2015