The Kent Beekeepers Association membership year draws to an end. For some it has certainly been a very challenging year with low honey harvests and poor queen mating due to the dismal summer.
Our new year starts on the 1st October and here is the 2012/13 Membership Form to enable you to renew your membership of the Kent Beekeepers Association. You will notice that the full member subscription has risen to £42 from £40. This is because the Beecraft element of the subscription has increased by £2.25 but KBKA are absorbing 25p of the extra cost. To remind you, KBKA members receive Beecraft at a 25% reduction to the price paid by other subscribers. Electronic Beecraft remains at the same price – £7 may now be deducted from your subscription instead of £5.
There are other membership categories too, so here’s a link to our Membership Guide which will help you decide which category of membership is appropriate for you.
I hope you find being a member of Canterbury Beekeepers of benefit and have been able to attend our monthly meetings. Our new venue for winter meetings has proved to be a success – easy to reach, even in bad weather, and easy for parking – as well as being a bright and comfortable room. Our website is well supported and many members log in to the forum where practical advice on beekeeping is sought and discussed. If you have not visited the website yet I encourage you to do so for much information and advice.
Please print out and complete the Membership Form and send it to me with your cheque. If it is easier for you, you may make an electronic transfer to pay for your subscription – bank details: Sort Code 30-91-60 Account No 00371771, but please make a note on your form that you have chosen this method of payment. My address is shown on the Form. If you would prefer me to forward a Form in the post please contact joan at or 07824 668042. I will also be at the October meeting on the 3rd October when you will be able to renew your membership in person.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss the renewal of your membership do not hesitate to get in touch on 07824 668042.