Swarm collection 2016

​If you’ve been a member for a year or more, you will know that we offer a swarm collection service and match-making service to remove swarms from where they are not wanted, and to put them in the hands of beekeepers looking to start up or replenish their apiaries.

Over the last couple of years, the BBKA “find a swarm collector” website has been broadly adopted by most of the local branches in East Kent.  We’ve discussed the CBKA approach for 2016, and decided that we will make sure that all of our swarm collectors are listed on the BBKA site (link here).  Note that you cannot nominate yourself to this list: it has to be done through the branch secretary.  Use this form to pass on your details to me – you will need to be a registered user of the website to have access to the form.  TIMG_5971he BBKA website is public-facing, and is expected to be the principal mechanism by which members of the public contact beekeepers.  Please sign yourself up before 27th February; any later, and I can’t guarantee your information will be added to the BBKA website.

We will continue to offer swarm match-making services to our members, via the website mechanism we’ve established over the last few years.  This is particularly relevant for novice beekeepers, who want a swarm or two to establish their apiary.  Julian has graciously agreed to be coordinator for these swarm re-homing services, but we will need you to fill out you details on this form.   The details you provide will only be visible to registered members of CBKA. The general public cannot see its content.  If you are happy to collect swarms locally, even if you don’t want them for yourself, please sign up too.   Julian will orchestrate collection and delivery to new beekeepers.  I will regularly remind members about this service in the newsletter, but the sooner you sign up, the better!