Cherry Festival

Our next meeting-the-public event is coming up quickly, at Brogdale on 15th July.  Running the Canterbury Beekeepers stand is fun and rewarding, particularly if there’s four or more people present to share the load.  We are very grateful to any member who can give up a few hours to help out with our “meet the public” events.  Don’t worry that you don’t know everything about beekeeping – you’ll know more than almost anyone who comes to the stand, and enthusiasm is the single biggest asset at these events!
Please sign up to offer help – if you can’t make the day, perhaps you can supply honey or other hive products, or help prepare the observation hive.

Apiary meeting on 5th May

due to some unforeseen changes of plans, we have decided that Saturday’s meeting will be a fixed-location event, at our apiary in Sally and Chris’ wood in Bekesbourne.  Full joining instructions can be found in the email sent to all members.  If you didn’t receive an email, please contact David by email or Adrian by email

Saturday 5th May, 2-4.30pm

We hope that many of you can join us this coming weekend.  We need to tidy up the colonies, which were small when we visited in April, but by now should be growing rapidly.

Normal apiary hygiene rules apply – so please bring clean bee-suits, clean disposable gloves (no leather gloves), and wellington boots.  If you need to borrow PPE, please let us know ASAP, so we can make sure to have an appropriate number of suits available.