Canterbury Beekeepers (a branch of Kent Beekeepers Association) is pleased to offer a one day course on Sunday 27th April. We will introduce beginners to the world of beekeeping, with a mix of classroom and practical sessions spread over the day. Our base will be Littlebourne Village Hall, which is a 5min drive from our training apiary in Palmsted Wood, where we will give all course members an opportunity to open a beehive, and practice some basic beekeeping operations.
The Syllabus for the day will be based around the following schema
- Session 1: Reasons for beekeeping, Identifying honeybee castes, life cycle of colony, yearly cycle of beekeeping
- Session 2: beekeeping hardware- hives, frames and tools
- Session 3: How to inspect a colony – safety, clothing, stings, what to look out for
- Practical: approximately 60min practising inspection skills at our training apiary. PPE and Beehives supplied
- Session 4: Managing a colony – reproduction and swarming, diseases and pests.
Provided that the weather is not too wet or cold, we’ll spend time in the apiary, so come dressed for a (short) walk in the woods – sturdy shoes, or better, wellie boots, long trousers. Avoid wearing lots of perfume or aftershave. We will provide beesuits, but if you can bring long-sleeved gloves – marigold type, or thinner surgeons’ gloves – that fit you snugly, that will make handling tools,and frames of bees easier for you. If the weather is inclement on 27th April, we will only do the classroom based discussions, and hope that the weather is better on Sunday 4th May, 1230-1430, for meeting the bees.
The course will be run by a group of enthusiastic members of Canterbury Beekeepers: Janet McDonald (secretary), Julian Audsley (committee), Adrian Davis (Chairman), David Cockburn (committee), Jan Soetaert and Andy King.
The cost of the course is £60/pp, which will include teas/coffees on the day, and a season’s friend membership of Canterbury Beekeepers, if you are not already a member. Please bring your own packed lunch. The numbers will be limited to 20 delegates.
To secure your place please pay £60 by bank transfer to:
- Kent Beekeeepers Association
- Sort code 30-91-60
- Account number 00371771
- Amount £60
- Please mark your transfer with your surname/course0425 (e.g. Smith/Course0425).
If you have any questions or queries about payment, please contact Janet McDonald at
We invite you to complete your application by filling out the details below: