Kent County Show

The main event of the summer for our parent body, the Kent Beekeepers Association, is the Bee and Honey Show at the County Show at Detling on 5-7 July.  KBKA are always interested to hear from people who can help out running the stand, or indeed entering hive products in the Honey Show section.  There’s a lot more detail about being a steward, which will earn you free entry to the County Show, and how to enter the Honey Show available from the organizer, Bob Smith. There are 4 separate documents that might be relevant. 

More information about the County Show:

Information and action on Asian Hornets

Here is some basic information on the habits and biology of the non-native species, the asian hornet (Vespa velutina). This is an invasive species that provides threats to beekeeping, native insect populations, and potentially to human health.

Here are some recommendations we hope all beekeeping members of Canterbury branch can act upon: “recognise and report”