Apiary Meeting 7th September

Our last apiary meeting of the season will be at our Palmsted Wood, on Saturday September 7th after lunch. We need a team to help clear brushwood – for those of you who can give up some time to help maintain the apiary, please bring some gardening gloves, and may be secateurs. If you can help with this work, please email me at chairman@canterburybeekeepers.org.uk so I know who can help. If half a dozen people can make it for 1pm, then we’ll be able to clear the track to the apiary, and have room for everyone to park.

The beekeeping part of the meeting will start at about 2.15pm. We plan to set the hives for winter, apply varroa treatments, and unite any weak or grumpy hives. If you need to borrow PPE, please let us know ahead of time, so that we can make sure to have spares available.

As usual, to avoid transmission of bee diseases, please bring clean suits, and gloves that are easily washed – marigolds or surgeons’ gloves are fine, but please no leather gloves.

There will be plenty of time for chat about the season you’ve had, honey crops, state of your hives, and winter preparations

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